It worked, and far better than either of those items would've done on their own. Go in, start blasting, kicking my iced companion towards danger at every opportunity. With those upgrades and various health pickups like Dead Cat that kept me alive and respawning, the next few floors came easily.

The former is a familiar that shoots at whatever you're firing at, essentially giving you double-barrel tears, and the latter's a baby frozen in an ice cube you kick around the room that freezes anything it touches (if nothing else, the series is as weird as ever.) That was until I got Brother Bobby and Cube Baby.

I started fresh on Steam, having clocked a couple hundred hours on Afterbirth on Nintendo 3DS, and struggled to get a handle on even the early rooms when I first started playing. Repentance is more a game of synergies than its predecessors. (Image credit: The Binding of Isaac / Anthony McGlynn)